Poj Solution 2924


import java.util.*;   
import java.math.*;   
public class Main {   
    public static void main(String[] args) {   
        Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);   
        int num = Integer.valueOf(cin.nextLine()).intValue();   
        for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)   
            String[] str = cin.nextLine().split(" ");   
            BigInteger a = new BigInteger(str[0]);   
            BigInteger b = new BigInteger(str[1]);   
            BigInteger result = new BigInteger("0");   
            if((a.intValue() >= 0 && b.intValue() >= 0)    
                    || (a.intValue() < 0 && b.intValue() < 0))   
                int times = (Math.abs(b.intValue()-a.intValue())+1);   
                result = result.add(a);   
                result = result.add(b);   
                result = result.multiply(new BigInteger(times + ""));   
                result = result.divide(new BigInteger("2"));   
                int times1 = (Math.abs(b.intValue()-0)+1);   
                BigInteger r1 = new BigInteger("0");   
                r1 = r1.add(b);   
                r1 = r1.multiply(new BigInteger(times1 + ""));   
                r1 = r1.divide(new BigInteger("2"));   
                int times2 = (Math.abs(a.intValue()-0)+1);   
                BigInteger r2 = new BigInteger("0");   
                r2 = r2.add(a);   
                r2 = r2.multiply(new BigInteger(times2 + ""));   
                r2 = r2.divide(new BigInteger("2"));   
                result = r1.add(r2);   
            System.out.println("Scenario #" + (i+1) + ":");   
            if(i != num-1)   

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