Poj Solution 2564


#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "vector"
using namespace std;

const int size = 25000;

vector< char* > s1[18][26];
vector< char* > s2[18][26];

char w[size][17];
int ans[size],len[size];

bool check( char *a, char *b )
    int la = len[ ( a - w[0] ) / 17 ],
        lb = len[ ( b - w[0] ) / 17 ];

    while( *a == *b )
    if( la >= lb ) a++;
    if( la <= lb ) b++;

    while( *a == *b && *b != '' )
    return *a == '' && *b == '';

int main()
    int i,j,l,t,h,k,answer=0,m;

    for( i=0; i<18; i++ )
        for( j=0; j<26; j++ )

    for( i=0; scanf( "%s", w[i] ) == 1 ; i++ )
        l = len[i] = strlen( w[i] );
        ans[i] = 0;

        for( h = l-1; h <= l+1 ; h++ )

            j = w[i][0] - 'a';
            m = s1[h][j].size();

            for( k=0; k<m; k++ )
            if( check( w[i], s1[h][j][k] ) && ( t = ans[ ( s1[h][j][k] - w[0] ) / 17 ] ) > ans[i] )
                ans[i] = t;
            j = w[i][l-1] - 'a'; 
            m = s2[h][j].size();

            for( k=0; k<m; k++ )
            if( check( w[i], s2[h][j][k] ) && ( t = ans[ ( s2[h][j][k] - w[0] ) / 17 ] ) > ans[i] )
                ans[i] = t;


        s1[l][ w[i][0] - 'a' ].push_back( w[i] );
        s2[l][ w[i][l-1] - 'a' ].push_back( w[i] );
        if( ans[i] > answer )
            answer = ans[i];

    printf( "%dn", answer );

    return 0;

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