Poj Solution 1661


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;

 * POJ1661
 * @author Bruce

class Board implements Comparable<Board>{
    int lx;
    int rx;
    int h;
    public Board(int x,int y,int h){
        this.lx = x;
        this.rx = y;
        this.h = h;
    public int compareTo(Board b) {        
        return b.h - this.h;//按照高度排序

public class Main{
    static final int MAX_VALUE = 100000000;
    static int[] leftMin;
    static int[] rightMin;    
    static Board[] boards;
    static int max;
    static int N;
    public static int min(int i,boolean isLeft){
        int x;
        int y = boards[i].h;
            x = boards[i].lx;
            x = boards[i].rx;
        int j;
            if(boards[j].lx <= x && boards[j].rx >= x)//下方有板子
        if(j > N){//下方没有板子
            if(y > max)
                return MAX_VALUE;
                return y;
            if(y - boards[j].h > max)
                return MAX_VALUE;
                if(leftMin[j] == -1)
                    leftMin[j] = min(j,true);
                if(rightMin[j] == -1)
                    rightMin[j] = min(j,false);
    return (y - boards[j].h) + Math.min(leftMin[j]+x-boards[j].lx, rightMin[j]+boards[j].rx-x);
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        int T = in.nextInt();
        for(int i=0;i< T;i++){
            N = in.nextInt();
            int x = in.nextInt();
            int y = in.nextInt();
            max = in.nextInt();
            leftMin = new int[N+1];
            rightMin = new int[N+1];    
            Arrays.fill(leftMin, -1);
            Arrays.fill(rightMin, -1);
            boards = new Board[N+1];
            boards[0] = new Board(x,x,y);
            for(int j=1;j<=N;j++){
                boards[j] = new Board(in.nextInt(),in.nextInt(),in.nextInt());

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