Poj Solution 1840


//* @author: 
import java.util.*;
public   class Main{    
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);

       int a1=sc.nextInt();
       int a2=sc.nextInt();
       int a3=sc.nextInt();
       int a4=sc.nextInt();
       int a5=sc.nextInt();
      System.out.println( hashQuestions(a1,a2, a3,a4,a5));
    * @param a1  
    * @param a2  
    * @param a3  
    * @param a4  
    * @param a5  
   public static  int  hashQuestions(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5){   
    char hash[] = new char[25000010];   //hash�洢   
    int bigsqure[] = new int[100];           //��b�����ֵ�   
    int pos = 0;   
    int m = 0;            
    for (int x = -50; x <= 50; x++) {   
        if(x == 0) continue;         //Ϊ��ɾ���0 ��Ȼ����4200���   
        bigsqure[m++] = x*x*x;       //�����b��ֵ����4���Ժ���á�   
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {   
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {   
            pos = -(bigsqure[i]*a1 + bigsqure[j]*a2);      
            hash[pos+12500000]++;          //���ֵΪ1��!   
            //��������֮�� ��hash������������� ��������߽���Ԫ��  ֵ��Ϊ1�ˡ�   
    int answer = 0;   
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {   
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {   
            for (int k = 0; k < 100; k++) {   
                pos = bigsqure[i]*a3 + bigsqure[j]*a4 + bigsqure[k]*a5;   
                if(pos > 12500000 || pos < -12500000)    
                answer += hash[pos+12500000];   
                //�����ӵĵ��?�ǣ�����ұߵ�ֵû�к�����ص� ��ô���ֵ��0��   
                //����ص��ˣ�����ߵ�ʱ�� �Ѿ�������Ϊ1�ˣ���ô �����е��ص��ġ�1���ۼ���4   
  return answer;
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